Dr. Charles Travis is the co-founder along with Dr. Jack Kelly of the American Chaplains Association. Dr. Travis is the Founder and President of Logos Global Network of Christian Ministries, Inc. (www.lgnfamily.com) headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. Dr. Travis serves as President of Aidan University (www.aidanu.education) and Universidad Cristiana Logos (www.universidadcristianalogos.com).Dr. Travis is the Presiding Bishop for The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches. He also serves as the Archbishop for the Apostolate of St Chad. (www.theceec.org)He holds a Bachelor of Theology Degree from Chicago Bible College, a Bachelor of Arts degree from Christian Life College, a Master of Religious Education and a Master of Arts from Florida Beacon College. He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Covenant Life Seminary and a Doctorate in educational administration from Whitefield Graduate School.Dr. Travis has been in full-time Christian service for 60 years. He has served as pastor, evangelist, teacher, and missionary. He has also served as a lobbyist for Christian schools in Washington, D.C. and serves on several national and international educational boards, consulting and ecclesiastical councils, and accrediting associations.His commitment and pioneering efforts in Christian education and church planting have led to the establishment of schools and churches in over 30 nations.Dr. Travis has a very strong conviction that every believer is a minister and that every minister should have a ministry, whether in the church, market place or public square. He also has a driving passion for unity in the body of Christ.Dr. Travis resides in Jacksonville, Florida with his wife Deborah. They have two grown daughters, Sara and Erin.